Saturday, May 5, 2012

At Home and Travel Brush holders

I made these nice toothbrush/ hairbrush holders for the kids...well two of them; I ran out of velcro so I'll have to make the other two later.
I made them so they could hang on a clothes hanger or a towel rod....
...And when it is time to travel, they can be rolled up.
I had a batch of ribbon given to me some time ago. I wasn't sure what to use it for, but I thought it would work nicely for this project. I'll have to find another project or two to use it all up.
I also had some left over wash clothes from another project that I thought would be bright and cheery for the kids.
I used 1/2 a white cloth for the top and a whole colored cloth for the pockets. The Velcro dots I sewed onto the white first then I sewed the two washcloths together.
Then I marked where to sew the vertical lines for the pockets. I used painters tape and sewed right along the edge. I also used the tape to hold the tie ribbon in place while I stitched up the side.
My older two are excited about these and can't wait till I finish the others and let them hang them up. I also think htese will be great for their trip to Grandparents' in a couple months.

Sewing Machine Turn Table

Hubby finally finished the Lazy Susan for my sewing machine and surger. He made a peg that holds it in place while I use the machine, simply pulls out when I want to switch machines, then slides back in to hold it in place again. We can see there is a little wiggle, but I have yet to notice it while I'm sewing. The whole table and set up has made my limited time I have to sew seem so much more productive!